Friday, August 1, 2008

I can't think of anything clever to title this post.

So I work at Best Buy now, for those of you who didn't know that. I really really like it, cause I'm back in the customer service world. I know, I know. Customer service isn't a world that most people are HAPPY to be in. Most people would rather spend all day in the hot sun, pulling poison ivy out of flower beds with their teeth than deal with grouchy, rude people all day long. Let me tell you WHY I love customer service jobs so much.
First off, I work in the media department. That means I work with movies, music, video games and mp3 players. So I get to walk around the store all day talking to people about music, movies, mp3 players and video games-which I'm good at and thoroughly enjoy. I mean, I just love being able to recommend new bands and movies to people.
Secondly, I love children, and we get a lot of them in the DVD area. Last night there was a lady there with just about the most beautiful and adorable little girl I've ever seen, looking for the Wizard of Oz. So I got the movie and knelt down and handed it to the little girl and talked to her for a minute and it put me in a great mood just because I love little kids so much.
Lastly, the rude customers don't bother me. I mean, if I'm not in the greatest mood, they annoy me and don't help, but they don't really bother me all that much. I actually think it's kind of funny that people take themselves so seriously. The night before last, I asked some kid if I could help him find anything and he turns to me and says (quite seriously), "Well not unless you can get inside my brain!" in the rudest tone he could muster up. So I just looked at him for a second and said, "Well, actually, no. I don't think I can do that." And he replies "That's what I thought!" as though I were a sub-human life form that didn't deserve to help him. I walked away from that chuckling because he was so fucking stupid.
So I have work from 4-10:30 tonight and I'm looking forward to it. So, to all you people that dread going to work, because you hate your job, TAKE THAT!

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