Monday, July 28, 2008


I log onto Facebook, just like any other day. Like any other day, I check to see if I have any new notifications (I don't), and then check birthdays. Then I check the news feed. Like any other day, there are a few conversations going on to the affect of "OmG! u CrZy BoI!" and "zomg! I no, rite!?!!?"
However, today one particular post catches my eye. *ahem* "I just want to roll you up into a little ball and shove you in my vagina."
Let us dissect this sentence.

"I just want"
This is fairly simple- a hyperbolic statement that lets us know that the following statement is going to be true only to an extent.

"to roll you into a little ball"
This tells us that she's being silly, cause we all know it's impossible to roll someone into a little ball.

"and shove you in my vagina."
......excuse me. I'm feeling the sudden need to regurgitate the mac 'n cheese and vitamin water I had earlier.
So this has a few possibilities. Perhaps she wants the other person quite literally IN her vagina. Sexually, that is. Or perhaps she hates the person and wants to stick them in her vagina because no person in their right mind would enjoy/want/be able to live in her vagina. But what it PROBABLY means is that she was feeling absolutely unoriginal and uncreative and she thought that the crudest, most off the wall thing to say would be funny. Perhaps the hyperbolic statement applied to this and tells us that it's not the ONLY thing she wants. Let your mind wander on that one- I'll wait right here and try to turn my brain off.........................

Does anybody else find it ridiculous that our society is based so much around sexuality and crude humor that people think it's actually acceptable to say things like this to each other on a website that they KNOW other people look at and have access to? I mean, it's bad enough for someone to say these kinds of things in a private email, but on a website that they KNOW broadcasts everything they say to all their friends? Give me a freaking break.

Is it really that much to ask for people to start thinking about things before they say them? I think not.


Fish Nat!on said...

it was a horrible quote from stepbrothers

Promised Progress said...

You sound really boring and unfunny. The fact that you would even take the time to chop up and analyze a stupid quote like that, only to apply your generic, moralistic judgment is quite pathetic. Enjoy your tower.