Friday, April 11, 2008

Insomnia, anyone?

It is 5:00 in the morning and I haven't slept a wink. This is starting to become a habit. I'm not sure if it's REAL insomnia or if I just have a terrible sleeping pattern. Though I think, technically, you have to SLEEP to have a SLEEPING PATTERN, so I'm not sure how that would work. It's funny though, because I'm tired, drowsy and want nothing more than to sleep, but I can't do it. I lay down in bed, close my eyes, try to clear my thoughts and give into the black hole of sleep, but it never works. As soon as my eyes close, my mind starts racing. So fast that I think about absolutely everything and absolutely nothing at the same time. So I'm awake. How exciting. Too bad I don't have any other friends that are insomniacs. We could stay awake and be insomniacs together. That would be better, but instead I have nothing to do but write. Whatever. I'm done with this. I'm gonna chill on wikipedia till i feel like i might be able to sleep.


The Prophet said...

guess who i am, ima start reading your shit now.

The Prophet said...

also i dont sleep well either it does suck especially come time to work.