Saturday, March 29, 2008

California Waiting.

So as many of you know, I've had plans to move to California with a coworker at the end of April. However, those dreams have been dashed to a million pieces and scattered to the four winds with the painful realization that I am completely, flat broke. If S.O.S. (a temp agency I'm signed with) had been able to find me a short term job, I probably could've gotten the money scrounged up, even if it was just barely. But it's now almost the beginning of April and they haven't found anything for me, and I've got no money. Also, thanks to the terrible state of the economy lately, Macaroni Grill is cutting back on hours. Which means no more lunchtime bussers. Which means half of my shifts and, therefore, half my income is gone. So I'm broke. I'm hoping to scrounge up 300 dollars to spend on taking a phlebotomy course in the middle of April, though, and getting a job doing that during the day. It pays really well and it's a marketable skill, even if I have to get a new license if I move out of state. So now it looks like I'm stuck in Utah for the time being. Maybe after I get a job doing phlebotomy and work for awhile, buy a new car, save up some money and all that jazz, I'll look into getting my own place out in L.A. or something like that. All I know is that a few weeks ago I was singing "California Waiting" with the mindset of that is was just waiting for another month or so, whereas now it's waiting indefinitely. Kind of ironic, no?

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