Monday, March 31, 2008

Love Stinks

Isn't it kind of ironic that the one thing in life that's supposed to make you happier than anything else (which would be finding your "one true love") is also the thing that makes you most depressed. Until your dreams come true and you get married and live happily ever after, of course. But really, the whole dating thing just sucks. I've been on ONE date since I moved to Utah almost a year ago (there was another evening with a young lady that you could argue was a date, but as it wasn't arranged on the premise of being a date, I don't count it). I know I could go on plenty of dates, but I have yet to meet a girl here that can keep my attention in a good way. I probably wouldn't even date most of the girls I dated back in high school anymore. I've grown up too much. It hasn't even been a whole year since I graduated, but I feel a decade older. Anyways, the point is that I'm extremely desirous of a girl I feel compatible with. I'm finally to the point again where I'm ready for a relationship. But a different one than any I've had before. I'm ready for a relationship where I have a genuine, intelligent connection with the person. I'm over the whole high school "Ur HaWt, Im HaWt, LeTs Mak OuT.zOmG.lUlZ" crap. I want a girl that will talk about anything and everything with me. One that will tell me she thinks my opinions are stupid when I disagree with her, instead of just smiling and agreeing with everything I say. I want a girl that doesn't demand that I call her every single night. I want a girl that doesn't have to be all up on me every time we're together. I want a girl with the right allocation. I want a girl with the right dividends. I want a girl with a mind like a diamond. I want a girl with a short skirt and a loooooong jacket.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

California Waiting.

So as many of you know, I've had plans to move to California with a coworker at the end of April. However, those dreams have been dashed to a million pieces and scattered to the four winds with the painful realization that I am completely, flat broke. If S.O.S. (a temp agency I'm signed with) had been able to find me a short term job, I probably could've gotten the money scrounged up, even if it was just barely. But it's now almost the beginning of April and they haven't found anything for me, and I've got no money. Also, thanks to the terrible state of the economy lately, Macaroni Grill is cutting back on hours. Which means no more lunchtime bussers. Which means half of my shifts and, therefore, half my income is gone. So I'm broke. I'm hoping to scrounge up 300 dollars to spend on taking a phlebotomy course in the middle of April, though, and getting a job doing that during the day. It pays really well and it's a marketable skill, even if I have to get a new license if I move out of state. So now it looks like I'm stuck in Utah for the time being. Maybe after I get a job doing phlebotomy and work for awhile, buy a new car, save up some money and all that jazz, I'll look into getting my own place out in L.A. or something like that. All I know is that a few weeks ago I was singing "California Waiting" with the mindset of that is was just waiting for another month or so, whereas now it's waiting indefinitely. Kind of ironic, no?

Sunday, March 23, 2008


just take my hand and drive
ill tell you when to stop
dimensions will pass us by
and no one will ask questions
reality will become what we make it
and what we read about in books
and utah will just be the city next to friendswood
or maybe not
maybe ill just teleport through space and time
ill teleport myself to your bedside
and watch you sleep at night
and then climb in beside you when im lonely
ill put my feet on yours so i know youre real
and then wake up to your beautiful face
but maybe theres no way around it
maybe we could stick it out for a year or two
maybe will get married one day
maybe maybe maybe
maybe i love you, and thats all that matters to me right now
maybe theres no maybe about that
maybe i should stop.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I've decided

That I'm tired of people. From this day forward, I'm going to have an assistant screen people for intelligence before they are allowed to talk to me. On the internet, I'm going to find an intermediary that screens people for spelling and grammar proficiency. All in all, I'm going to ignore stupid people.

Let me clarify: by "stupid," I don't necessarily mean only those that have had the misfortune of being born with a deficient brain. I mean people that are inconsiderate, arrogant, lazy, dirty, trashy, clueless AND those with deficient brains.

I'm tired of people that can't speak properly. No, I don't "member dat wun time when dem niggaz dun got demselfs stuck in da libary," but I DO "remember the time when thos guys got stuck in the library."

I'm tired of people that drive like idiots. No, honey, it is NOT ok to put your mascara on at freeway speeds. Wait, what's that? You're not driving freeway speeds? Then get the fuck out of the fast lane!

I'm tired of people that don't show me the same respect I show them. Im not "Hey you! Busser!" If you wish to address me when I'm working, a simple "Excuse me, sir. Can you find some Balsamic Vinegar for us?" will do just nicely. If you yell "Hey busser!" at me,the only thing I want to find for you is a burial plot.

I'm tired of seeing trashy people. Period.

I'm tired of employees that don't plan for things and end up making me work all alone on a regular basis. Including, unfortunately, nights like tonight that are extremely busy. You have a job and you have school. You PLAN your school schedule, and your work is more than willing to work around it. So make it work.

In some ways I would like to just move to some seaside cottage in Greece and do nothing but eat Greek food, listen to good music, and write all the time. In other ways I want to move to a seasie mansion in Greece and invite smart people with me.

Either way, I want to be in Greece. And I want stupid people to leave me the fuck alone.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Happiest Place On Earth

I just spent a week in Disneyland. It was the first vacation of my life where i didnt have something hanging over my head the entire time. All my vacations before were to Utah (from Texas) and we had family we had to spend time with and all that crap, but this time we were free to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. It was a nice change.

So Disneyland is alright, there are quite a few rides worth going on there, but California Adventures is much better. I had a blast. Im not gonna go into all the details and everything, cause that would be boring (even for me), but it was a good time. The best days though, by far, were Wednesday and Friday. Suffice it to say, a very special girl was there and we had a good time together. And that ive been dreaming about having time like that with her for well over a year and a half. It was like a dream come true.

However, my brother owes me 80 dollars because i bought him stuff the whole time (mostly alcohol and cigarettes), and with all the other stuff i bought for the trip, i spent almost 300 dollars. Definitely uncool. AND there was a cheerleading convention/competition/whatever for the last few days, so the place was overrun by perky girls in slutty clothes and too much makeup.

Great trip.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Okkervil River-Black Sheep Boy


1. Black Sheep Boy
2. For Real (top 3 tracks)
3. In A Radio Song
4. Black
5. Get Big
6. A King and A Queen
7. A Stone (top 3 tracks)
8. The Latest Toughs
9. Song of Our So-Called Friend
10. So Come Back, I Am Waiting
11. A Glow
(^download link^)

Okkervil River's album, Black Sheep Boy, is (in my opinion) their best album to date. By far, actually. Highlights of the album are:
1. in "For Real" when Will Sheff sings/yells "I dont wanna hear you say it shouldnt really be this way, cause i like this way just fine!"
2. "A Stone"-no point of the song in particular. just pay attention to the lyrics
3. in "So Come Back, I Am Waiting," when Sheff is singing/yelling about how he's waiting for her to return and his voice suddenly calms with the music and he sings in a very emotional way "So come back to your old black sheep man."

Aside from the others songs that i already pointed out, "Black" and "The Latest Toughs" are fantastic songs as well. These are my favorite songs on the album, though i would suggest giving all the songs a very good listen.

Now, for those of you that are not familiar with mediafire, rapidshare, megaupload, sendspace, etc., ill break down how to work it. Its going to sound complicated, but i promise you that as soon as you get the hang of it, youll be able to find pretty much any album you could want easier than you could with limewire/bearshare and so on. Also, the way im going to explain will give you better quality music with correct track information, little to no chance of a virus and is much safer than limewire or kazaa as far as being tracked and punished for piracy goes.

First: download win.rar or
do a google search for "free win.rar downloads" and it will be very easy to find one

Second: download follow my link to mediafire and download the album (i recommend having a specified folder for downloads)

Third: the file that you have downloaded is compressed, meaning all of the seperate song files were made into one file, and is therefore unusable. SO open win.rar and set it to pull from that download file. when you do that, the compressed file should automatically show up on the win.rar screen.

Fourth: click on the compressed file and go to the top where is says "extract to" then find wherever you want to send the music to and click "ok"

Fifth: if your iTunes library automatically adds any new files from the source, it should come up automatically, if not youll have to go into iTunes - file -add folder to library (or -add files to library) and find the seperate song files.

like i said it SOUNDS complicated, but i promise if you do it once or twice its a piece of cake and you WILL LOVE IT. if you have any question or need any help with it, hit me up on AIM: mormonoftheyear.

peace, guys.